The word coaching is often associated with sports. However, our coaching service has nothing to do with sports. Our coaching is all about you and the changes you want to make.

This service offers you the opportunity to work one-on-one with a specialised coach to identify, explore and plan to move towards your goals.

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How does it work?

The focus of coaching is entirely based on each carer’s needs. During a coaching session, a coach will listen. A coach is interested in the goals and challenges that you face in your caring role.

You may or may not have a specific goal in mind. Perhaps you just know broadly how you would like some things to be. The coach will be an impartial ear. A coach won’t give you all the answers but will instead work collaboratively with you in finding solutions to meet those goals or changes you want to happen in your life.

Coaching is not therapy or counselling, but it will help you uncover options for yourself and figure out the course of action you can take.

Carers have used coaching as a tool to find more time for themselves, get back into the workforce, find connections with friends, plan for the future and get fitter and healthier. Taking steps towards those goals can be empowering.

You can have up to 6 coaching sessions in a year. These sessions usually run for an hour and can be done in person, over the phone or online on Zoom.

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Coaching helped me break down barriers and reflect on what was happening in my life. It helped me understand where I am at this point in time and how I can make the changes I want.

Kathryn, carer for her husband, who is Palliative