Kathryn and Taya: A Mother-Daughter Carer Duo
In the heart of Burnie lives a remarkable family whose story represents resilience, love and teamwork. Kathryn and her [...]
Grace’s Story: A Story of Dedication and Resilience
Grace Shimomura, a single mother from the Philippines, moved to Launceston, Tasmania, in 2022 to care for her ageing [...]
Men who care
Christopher has been a full-time carer for his mum for the last 4 years. "Mum wanted to stay in [...]
Helping carers navigate the maze – Rosa’s story
Rosa Connell is a part-time carer for her elderly parents. Like Rosa's parents, carers often find it difficult to [...]
Connecting with other carers – Sujata’s story
Glenorchy resident Sujata says Carer gateway has made it possible for her to connect with other carers in a [...]
Kathryn’s Coaching Story
Caring for a loved one is a hard job with long hours, no pay and often little access to [...]