Supporting Tasmanian Carers
Are you one of over 80,000 Tasmanians who provide unpaid practical care and emotional support to someone close to you?
If the answer is yes, we are here to support you.

Did you know 1 in 6 Tasmanians is a Carer?
Chances are you are a carer, need a carer, or know someone who is carer.
Find out more
Types of caring roles
Caring for someone who is frail or aged
Caring for someone with disability
Caring for someone with mental ill health
Watching someone you care about struggle with their mental health is hard. Taking care of them can be tough, too, when the person is going through changes in their behaviour, thinking and feelings. It can be hard not knowing what will happen next. If you’re looking after someone with mental ill health, it is important to also take care of yourself. You don’t have to do it alone. We can connect you with support and provide services such as counselling and information
Caring for someone with chronic (ongoing) or life-limiting illness
We’re here to support you.
Caring for someone with Alcohol or other Drug dependence
Call Carer Gateway to find out how we can support you.
1800 422 737 (and press 1)
Watch carer stories
Carer stories can be challenging and heartbreaking but also inspiring and heart-warming.

Before Carer Gateway, I found I often got lost in the maze of different services and hoops I had to jump through. Carer Gateway is like a breath of fresh air. One phone and one website.
Lesley, carer for her daughter