Grace Shimomura, a single mother from the Philippines, moved to Launceston, Tasmania, in 2022 to care for her ageing mother, Rita, not knowing the full extent of what dementia care entailed.

Grace’s journey into caring was sudden. Rita had suffered a fall and was struggling to live alone after the death of her second husband in 2021. Rita, an 82-year-old war widow, suffers from vascular dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Lewy body dementia (LBD).

Due to her mother’s deteriorating health, Grace had to abruptly leave her career and teenage children in the Philippines. She is now working on their migration documents to reunite with them in Tasmania, which will enable her to continue caring for Rita.

Rita’s condition requires constant care, which includes arranging transport to medical appointments, managing prescriptions, and handling financial matters.

“Before coming here, I didn’t know much about dementia beyond forgetfulness.”

“I quickly learned that being a full-time carer involves managing every aspect of my mother’s life.”

One of the biggest challenges Grace faces is navigating the Australian healthcare system, particularly as a newcomer to the country.

“Navigating these systems is overwhelming, but I have found tremendous support from Carer Gateway.”

Carer Gateway has provided Grace with crucial resources and support including free counselling, mental health workshops and peer support groups. Particularly helpful has been Carer Gateway’s coaching service, which offers practical guidance and emotional support.

Through free coaching sessions, Grace has learned to break down her tasks into manageable steps and has received practical advice on organising her mother’s care.

“Carer Gateway has been a lifeline.”

“My coach was thorough and encouraging. She helped me create actionable steps, which made everything less overwhelming.”

“She has been my accountability partner and has been instrumental in helping me focus and stay on track,” Grace explains.

Grace also benefits from peer support groups facilitated by Carer Gateway, where she connects with other carers, shares experiences, and gains insights that help her in her role. She now volunteers a couple of hours every month to lead her local carers group.

“Knowing I have a support through Carer Gateway gives me peace of mind. It’s comforting to share and hear stories from others in similar situations.”

Despite the challenges of caring, Grace cherishes the moments she spends with her mother.

“Most days, mum is mobile, has an appetite, and enjoys her choir and Sunday outings. These moments are precious,” Grace reflects.

“Being a carer can be lonely and isolating sometimes. So, knowing that there is help out there, one number I can call just gives me peace of mind.”

Grace’s journey as a carer is a testament to her love and dedication. With the support of Carer Gateway, she continues to provide her mother with the best possible care.

If you are in a similar situation and need help with your caring role, contact us by emailing us at or by calling 1800 422 737 (and select 1 from the menu).

 You are not alone in your caring role. Help is available at Carer Gateway, call us on 1800 422 737 (press 1 at the menu) or visit

One Comment

  1. Gaelene Gore 22/06/2024 at 12:10 pm - Reply

    Well done Grace. You are amazing xx

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