Are you finding time for yourself hard to come by? Prioritising your wellbeing can often drop off the list when you are always on the go. The caring role can be a rewarding experience but can be equally exhausting. If you feel this way, don’t worry, many carers feel the same.
Carers often overlook their own wellbeing. But this could be doing you more harm than you realise. The saying “You can’t pour from an empty cup” comes true when you have been caring for a while. It comes to a point where you are so exhausted you may feel like giving up. It is no surprise that as resilient as carers are, putting themselves last often leaves many physically, mentally, and emotionally fatigued.
One of our carers said that “If you don’t look after yourself, how can you find the energy to care for someone else?”. And it is spot on. Many of us are guilty of not leaving time for ourselves.
So, what can carers do, you may ask?
Try this simple method called a cup check. Every morning when you sit down with a cuppa, outline your plans for the day. Think or look back over your list. Have you left time for yourself? Does your cup look too full? This simple exercise will help you see through your day and plan over a few minutes for self-care.
Simply taking time to nourish yourself is self care. It is important to be compassionate, pay attention to your wellbeing and practice simple ways to feel energised. For some, it may come from various activities such as taking a nap, meditating, walking in nature, cooking a nourishing meal, reflecting on your day, or even taking bubble baths. It is not limited to this; it is all about giving yourself a break – no matter how few minutes that may be.
The other thing carers can look at is having a gratitude journal. Whenever you feel let down or stressed, you can use a gratitude journal to be thankful for something. It can be something as simple as sunshine, a good friend, or a pet.
Starting a gratitude journal doesn’t have to be hard. All it takes is, setting an intention, writing it down and being consistent. You can begin by writing one thing you are grateful for and slowly build on the habit. Gratitude journaling is said to increase positivity, lower stress and help you sleep better.
I am planning on more time for myself in the New Year.
There are some creative Projects to do.
I am planning on spending more time
on Creative Projects next year.